your vacation on the beach and swimming in the sea is one of the best
ways to enjoy your free time. Sea is nice and most of us love sea and
its colorful life. You can find a plenty of incredibly beautiful sea
creatures that will amaze you with their beauty and colorful look. But,
from a time to time, you’ll find there some of those scary and very
dangerous ‘sea monsters’.
of those have a really sharp teeth , some of them can kill you in a
minute with their venom, and some of them just look like they came from a
horror movies. You better watch yourself when one of those come on your
way while you are in the sea.

fish lives at great depths, is known for its delicate body and huge
razor-sharp teeth. “La Sabina”- a terrible predator (about 15 cm)-
Toothed and terrible anglerfish live in one of the worst places – at the bottom of the sea. (AFP / GETTY)

the size of golf balls, sinekolchaty octopus can really “prick”. Its
venom is so powerful that it can kill a person, and there is no antidote
from him. (JOHN TAYLOR)

terrible fish live in tropical and temperate cold waters – but,
fortunately, you are unlikely to face to face with these fish because
they live at depths of up to 5000 meters. (IAN JONES)

Powerful killer whales feed on fish, seals and even sharks. (BARCROFT MEDIA)

Once considered extinct, coelacanths already 400 million years. Her re-discovered in 1938. (AFP / GETTY)

most poisonous fish in the world – borodavchatka – master of disguise.
It is ideally mixed with the sea floor. It does not attack, but if you
step on it, and poison, this fish can paralyze or even kill you. (PA)

is known about the mysterious giant squid that lives deep in the
coal-black waters of the Pacific Ocean. Their mystique only grows
stronger with legends of the great sailors tentacles, escaping from
under the water and dig into the boats. In fact, these creatures grow up
to 18 meters in length and weigh up to 900 kg. (AFP / GETTY)

a length of 1.5 meters and weight of 10 kg of red king crab can inspire
the House in the lives of sea creatures. (PAUL GROVER)

Sperm whale – the largest representative of the toothed whales. Adults grow to 18 meters in length.
Source : http://zuzutop.com/2010/01/the-10-scariest-sea-monsters-pics/
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